The institution of National Startup Entrepreneurship Awards
Elevate Greece is today an essential tool that connects the pieces of the ecosystem and aims to provide more and more incentives to young scientists and talented entrepreneurs so that they create and become increasingly competitive at a supranational level from Greece. The Elevate Greece awards are already established and are a stable institution that rewards start-ups, innovation and creativity in general.
Through Elevate Greece, the state now has a clear and mapped image of the innovation ecosystem and, for the first time, has the possibility to design policies adapted to the specific needs of the start-up ecosystem.
Our company
We envisioned the creation of a Greek company with international standards and innovative products in the field of genetic analyses and Precision Medicine.
Since 2019, we have developed in our laboratories, DNA tests that have an advisory nature and help in personalised prevention, in the treatment of diseases and also in well-being. With a simple saliva sample, we provide valuable information such as which is the right medicine for each of us individually,disease predisposition such as cardiovascular diseases and even what is the right diet and exercise based on our genes.
Today we are one of the few companies in Europe that have certified our products with the CE Mark. These certifications are our passport to international presence and success.
The company's upcoming growth over the next three years includes introducing our genetic tests to major European countries and the USA. Our goal is extroversion by offering innovative health services both in Greece and abroad.
Our people
Our team consists of highly qualified Molecular Biologists with PhD in Genetics, Bioinformatics and IT specialists, leading experts in Nutritional Genetics and Marketing and Communication specialists with international experience in the field.
of our workforce is made up of women.
They staff all the departments of the company, such as administration and the research & development department as well as the shareholder composition of our company. At iDNA Genomics we respond to the demand of Greeks for the development of innovative business activity, we develop cutting-edge biotechnology and contribute in the most essential way to the recognition of the work of Greek women scientists and market executives.
We are very proud of this and will continue as a Greek company to serve Science and Technology with an eye on the future.
The organisation
The awarding ceremony took place on Friday 2/12 at the Conference Center "DIMOKRITOS".
Deputy Minister, Mr. Christos Dimas, initially presented and analysed the statistical and analytical data that are now recorded for the start-up business ecosystem, after the creation and operation of the National Registry for Start-up Companies Elevate Greece. The Minister of Development and Investments, Mr. Adonis Georgiadis, in his speech emphasised that "supporting innovation and the ecosystem of Elevate Greece's start-up businesses is a strategic priority of the Government". The Awards were held in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Development and Investments Mr. Yiannis Tsakiris, the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Ms. Maria Syregela, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kostas Fragogiannis, the Secretary General of Research and Innovation Mr. Athanasios Kyriazis, representatives of the Official and Institutional Supporters of Elevate Greece, representatives of the Research Centers and the National Research, Technology and Innovation Council (ESETEK).
See the ceremony